There are 111 days remaining. It is usually the first day of the Coptic calendar and Ethiopian calendar (in the period AD 1900 to AD 2099). However, just 5 short years ago our country experienced a tragedy that can simply be described as barbaric, cruel and evil. Think what you will about the politics and such surrounding this day in history, the bottom line is that is was unjust. There's been a tremendous amount of speculation to the "hows" and the "whys." The issue is sure to further separate what little political and/or social cohesion that still remains. Let's not dwell on the issues today, instead let's remember those who were lost and those who were left behind in the wake of such a tragic event.
The terms "September 11th", "11th September", and "9/11" have been widely used in the Western media as a shorthand for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon in the United States of America.
In other places of the world the media also uses it as shorthand for other events, for example, the September 11, 1973 Coup D'Etat in Chile is referred to as "El 11 de Septiembre" or "El once" ("September 11" or "eleven" in Spanish) as shorthand for the Coup events.
Other significant events that fall on this same date thoughout history are listed below:
• 1185 - Isaac II Angelus kills Stephanus Hagiochristophorites and then appeals to the people, resulting in the revolt which deposes Andronicus I Comnenus and places Isaac on the throne of the Byzantine Empire.
• 1226 - The Catholic practice of perpetual adoration begins.
• 1297 - Battle of Stirling Bridge: Scots led by William Wallace defeat the English.
• 1541 - Santiago, Chile, is destroyed by indigenous warriors.
• 1609 - Henry Hudson lands on Manhattan island.
• 1609 - Expulsion order announced against the Moriscos of Valencia; beginning of the expulsion of all Spain's Moriscos.
• 1683 - Battle of Vienna
• 1649 - Siege of Drogheda ends: Oliver Cromwell's English Parliamentarian troops take the town and massacre its garrison.
• 1708 - Charles XII of Sweden stop outside Smolensk heading (by the lack of food since the Russians use the tactic of the burning soil) to the south, culminating in the disastrous battle of Poltava, the end of Sweden as a major power.
• 1709 - Battle of Malplaquet: Great Britain, Netherlands and Austria fight against France.
• 1714 - Barcelona surrenders to Spanish and French Bourbonic armies in the War of the Spanish Succession.
• 1773 - The Public Advertiser publishes a satrical essay titled Rules By Which A Great Empire May Be Reduced To A Small One, which is written by Benjamin Franklin.
• 1776 - British-American peace conference on Staten Island fails to stop nascent American Revolution.
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