Hello world!
The name of this site has great meaning for me. The word "zelo" is the Greek derivative for the word zeal. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as "eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something." The something I'm pursuing is an expose of individuals or entities who are "zealous" about their interests. Interests in art, music, theater, books, etc. I have had the pleasure of being personally involved in more than a few "scenes" in my time. The thread through each one was a desire for self-expression and having that expression be embraced by like-minded individuals. I am an artist and a musician. I've made my living through illustration and design. My passion, however, has always been and will always be music. Finding kindred spirits to share a creative vision has always been a tremendous task. The quest for earning a living has sucked the limitless optimism right out of many. The goal for this site is to share the passionate interests of those who've yet to be "discovered" or to push those who are out there doing the work and are seeing their vision through to fruition. So it's here, dear reader, that I invite you to introduce yourself and your creative passion for all to see, and hopefully a new and exciting community of creative individuals can be born. Check back often. You may very well be surprised at whom you'll meet here. And with any luck, you'll be inspired to connect and share the thing that you are zealous about.