Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hothouse Flowers

Brooklyn's Grizzly Bear migrate north and maul a few mint juleps

by Andy Beta
August 21st, 2006 3:32 PM

There's a gruff thunk! of a needle to wax, and a vaudeville piano starts to plink a tune you could imagine emanating from a Prohibition-era speakeasy in the Tenderloin. Over a hesitant waltz, a quavering female voice wails a curious ditty about misplaced items like a French horn, clamshells, and a sheepskin coat. Grizzly Bear's Edward Droste auditions this song his Great-Aunt Marla recorded some 70 years ago so that I might hear the original in juxtaposition with his band's own cover. The original title now lost to time, "Marla" throbs as the emotional core of Grizzly Bear's new album Yellow House; in their hands, this now elegiac dirge discloses the silent despair beneath her whimsical veneer.
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