I was waiting for a takeout order last night and it was going to be a while, so I went over to a nearby Barnes & Noble and browsed around in the magazine section. As it usually turns out, while I’m browsing I become inspired to read something thought-provoking. So I went over to the information desk and asked about a book that I've read about and had become fascinated with. The book was ‘Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking’ by a gentleman by the name of Malcolm Gladwell. I’m familiar with the author through a book that I'm currenty (along with about 4 others) reading. The premise is to examine the concept of rapid cognition, the kind of thinking that happens in the blink of an eye. Mr. Gladwell’s opinion is that in mere seconds we know either that we like a person we’ve just met, like a home we're looking to buy the minute we step inside, etc. I highly recommend this and his other highly interesting book, ‘The Tipping Point.’
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